Part A : Constitution and Mission

A1 Name
A2 Mission
A3 Aims and Objectives
A4 Powers
A5 Limits to the Network’s Powers

Part B : Rules

B1 Membership
B2 Admission of Members
B3 Subscriptions
B4 Management of the Network and its Activities
B5 Duties and Responsibilities of the Officers, ExecutiveCommittee and the Advisory Council

B6 Elections
B7 Changes
B8 Termination

Part C : Executive Committee


(An association for scientists, technologists,engineers and others
concerned with the study of environmental science and technology and of
the environment generally, and of the application of such
knowledge to the development of sustainable solutions)


Part A : Constitution and Mission

A1 Name [Top]

The name of the association is `The Global Network on Environmental Science and Technology`, (referred to from here on as the Network) with the acronym G-NEST used as the common title.

A2 Mission [Top]

To support, assist and influence those who seek to conserve and improve the natural and built environments and improve quality of life through the development and application of environmental science, technology and policy.

A3 Aims and Objectives [Top]

The Aims and Objectives of the Network are:

  • to advance the study of and research into environmental science technology and policy as they apply to or are relevant to all areas of human activity;
  • to secure the widest possible dissemination of knowledge in the fields of environmental science, technology and policy gained in such research or through Network Members acting in their own right;
  • to assist in the exchange of information between academics and between academia, business, industry, policy makers and the general public;
  • to bring together scientists, technologists, engineers and others interested in environmental science and technology for the exchange of information, discussion of areas of interest or concern, for co-operation in groups and to influence policy makers, business leaders and the general public;
  • to advance the education of scientists, technologists and engineers in appropriate disciplines;
  • to liaise, and co-operate when appropriate with other organisations world wide with similar and/or complementary Aims and Objectives.

A4 Powers [Top]

For the delivery of the above Aims andObjectives, the Network will have the following powers:

  • to prepare, edit, print, publish, issue acquire and circulate books, journals, individual papers, articles, magazines, newsletters, lectures and other works related to environmental science and technology (on paper or electronically).
  • to establish, conduct, sponsor or manage, either alone or in conjunction with others conferences, workshops, symposia, lectures, public meetings, visits, demonstrations and/or exhibitions of every possible description.
  • to encourage work which may result in and to investigate and make known the results of, scientific discoveries, inventions, improvements, processes, materials and designs which may seem capable of being used and exploited by Members of the Network and/or others;
  • to establish, maintain, control and manage Branches of the Network in any part of the world and to determine the constitution, rights, privileges, obligations and duties of such Branches and when thought fit, to modify or dissolve them;
  • to retain or employ appropriately skilled professional and/or technical advisors, managers and/or other workers in connection with the delivery of the Aims and Objectives of the Network and to pay therefore such fees of remuneration as may be appropriate;
  • to apply to international, regional, national and/or local agencies and/or governments, and to public bodies, corporations, companies or individuals for and to accept subscriptions, grants of money, donations, gifts and other assistance for promoting and supporting the Aims and Objectives of the Network;
  • to pay all expenses incurred in the formation of the Network;
  • to borrow or raise money for the purposes of the Network on such terms and on such security as may be determined;
  • to invest the funds of the Network not immediately required for its purposes in or upon such investments, securities or property as may be determined from time to time, subject to any conditions and consents as may be imposed by law;
  • to purchase, take on lease or exchange, hire or otherwise acquire, any property, rights or privileges which the Network may think necessary for the promotion of its Aims and Objectives;
  • to construct, maintain and/or alter any buildings or other works necessary for the activities of the Network;
  • to sell, let, mortgage or dispose of any or all of the property or assets of the Network as may be determined to be appropriate in the promotion of its Aims and Objectives;
  • to establish and support, or aid in the establishment and support of, any charitable associations or institutions, and to subscribe or guarantee money for charitable purposes in any way connected with the Aims and Objectives of the Network or calculated to advance its Aims and Objectives;
  • to endow, present, sponsor or maintain prizes, scholarships and courses of instruction in environmental science and technology as shall be considered appropriate in advancing the Aims and Objectives of the Network;
  • to do any other lawful things as may be incidental to or conducive to the attainment of the Network’s Aims and Objectives.

A5 Limits to the Network’s Powers [Top]

The Network will not have the following powers:

  • to regulation relations between workers and employers, or organisations of workers and organisations of employers;
  • to use the income and property of the Network for purposes other than furthering, promoting and delivering the Aims and Objectives of the Network.

The income and property of the Network shall therefore be solely applied to furthering, promoting and delivering the Aims and Objectives of the Network.The Members of the Network shall not have any personal claim on any of its property and no part of the income or property of the Network shall be paid
or transferred in any way whatsoever by way of profit to persons who are or have been Members of the Network.

However, nothing in this Constitution or the Rules below shall prevent the payment to any persons who are or have been Members of the Network, under arrangements approved by the Executive Committee, of:

i) expenses incurred in any activity on behalf of theNetwork;
ii) remuneration for services actually rendered to the Network;
iii) interest on money lent to the Network at a rate agreed by the ExecutiveCommittee;
iv) of reasonable and proper rent for premises let to the Network.

Part B : Rules

B1 Membership [Top]

B1.1 Members of the Global Network for Environmental Science and Technology(referred to from here on as the Network) shall be:

i) individual members, Honorary Members, Members,Students
ii) corporate members Organisations of any type

B1.2 Subject to the conditions in these Rules, it shall be for theExecutive Committee to determine the terms and conditions on which Members shall be admitted.

B1.3 Honorary Members shall be Members who may be elected by the AdvisoryCouncil as having given special service to the Network or having a special position in the field of environmental science and technology justifying such membership.

B1.4 A Register of Members shall be kept by or on behalf of the Secretariat of the Network. Each member shall have the right to inspect and/or be sent a copy of details kept about him or her in the register within a period of four weeks of the request being received by the Secretariat.

B1.5 Although benefits of membership shall extend to all employees ofCorporate Members, each such member shall nominate an individual to act as their representative in formal dealings with the Network. The name of such representative shall be notified to the secretariat on joining and when the representative is to be changed.

B2 Admission of Members [Top]

B2.1 All applications for membership shall be made to the Secretariat and include a commitment to pay the appropriate annual subscriptions in an acceptable manner. No formal election of a new member is required.

B2.2 In principle, membership shall be open to any person, whether individual or corporate, in any part of the world, who has an interest in environmental science and technology and in furthering the aims and
objectives of the Network. Any qualification requirements, or regulations governing admission of members or regulations governing the rights, privileges,obligations and conditions of membership and the manner in which such regulations may be suspended or terminated, shall be decided by the ExecutiveCommittee after consulting the Advisory Council.

B2.3 The Executive Committee therefore has absolute discretion in deciding whether any person or organisation may or may not become a member of the Network.

B2.4 The rights of any Member, whether individual or corporate, shall be personal and not transferable, and shall cease upon the Member failing to pay a subscription when it is due, when they cease to retain the qualifications on which grounds they were admitted.

B2.5 Nothing contained in these Rules shall prejudice the rights of theNetwork to claim payment of the subscriptions which a Member has undertaken to pay, nor to prevent a member from again becoming eligible for Membership.

B2.6 Honorary Members may be nominated by the Advisory Council, theExecutive Committee or by any group of seven Members. Nominations received at any Advisory Council meeting shall be voted on at the subsequent meeting.

B2.7 A member may be expelled from the Network after proper enquiry by the Executive Committee at which the Member shall be entitled to be heard, if he or she is judged by the Executive Committee to be such or to have behaved in a manner such as to render him unfit for membership, at which point he or she shall be removed from the register of members and cease to have any rights of membership.

B3 Subscriptions [Top]

B3.1 All Members except Honorary Members shall be liable to pay a subscription in one of the following four categories:

  • an annual subscription for all individual Members other than the following two categories;
  • a reduced annual subscription for students in a course of study in environmental science and technology or related subjects;
  • an individual Life Membership subscription;
  • an annual Corporate Membership subscription.

B3.2 The actual amounts of individual annual, life and Corporate Member subscriptions, and: acceptable methods and timings of payment,shall be agreed by the Executive Committee annually.

B3.3 Members whose subscriptions is more than three months overdue will be deemed to have resigned and shall not be entitled to any of the benefits of membership nor any of the notices and publications of the Network. Such people may only re-join in the same membership year on payment of the full over due subscription for that year.

B4 Management of the Network and its Activities [Top]

B4.1 The management and activities of the Network shall be organised by the Executive Committee under the general direction of an Advisory Council of Members and Corporate Member representatives who shall hold these positions in an honorary capacity. TheAdvisory Council shall establish its own rules of business. The ExecutiveCommittee shall determine the timing of the Network’s business year.

B4.2 The composition of the Advisory Council shall be:

  • National Members -one member for each country in which there are Network members, elected by his or her compatriots or, if circumstances require, nominated by the Executive Committee;
  • a minimum of six (6) Officers

    a) Chairman
    b) Vice-Chairman responsible for Development of the Network
    c) Vice-Chairman responsible for the overall Programme of activities
    d) Vice-Chairman responsible for the Publications and Journal
    e) Secretary
    f) Treasurer;

    elected by the National Members
  • up to three co-opted Members or representatives of Corporate Members.

B4.3 The Executive Committee shall comprise the Officers, who may co-opt,as they see fit, other Members, whether members of Advisory Council or not, to assist them in running the activities of the Network.

B4.4 The Advisory Council, including the Officers, shall be elected every three years in accordance with section B7 below.

B4.5 The Advisory Council shall 'meet' at least once per year. The Advisory Council, the Executive Committee and the Officers shall be free to conduct their business in whatever manner - for example, real meeting,real mail or E-mail, video conferences - as they see fit.

B5 Duties and Responsibilities of the Officers,Executive Committee and the Advisory Council [Top]

B5.1 The Executive Committee shall be responsible to the membership generally for the affairs and activities of the Network and may,if it thinks fit, devise and issue regulations governing particular aspects or activities of the Network providing always that such regulations shall be fully consistent with the Constitution and these Rules.

B5.2 The Executive Committee of the Network, or the Secretary acting on their behalf, shall attend to the general business of the Network on a day-to-day basis and shall report on their actions and activities to each meeting of the Advisory Council.

B5.3 The Treasurer shall be responsible to the other Officers, the AdvisoryCouncil and the membership generally for the safe and prudent management of theNetwork’s finances. He shall keep, or supervise the keeping by others, of the financial accounts of the Network. He shall be responsible for the effective receipt of subscriptions and other monies payable to the Network and for the payment of the Network’s bills and other monies due to others.

B5.4 The Executive Committee shall establish procedures for the effective and the prudent management and operation of the Network’s finances.

B5.5 The Publications/Journal Editor shall be responsible to the appropriate Vice Chairman, to the other Officers, the Advisory Council and the membership generally for the development, securing of articles, editing and publications of all the Network’s publications or for arranging and managing such publications by others.

B6 Elections [Top]

B6.1 The Officers shall be elected by the National Members of the AdvisoryCouncil for 3 years by ballot conducted by post, e-mail or other means to be agreed by Advisory Council

B6.2 Each candidate for one of the positions as an Officer of the Network shall be nominated by the Advisory Council as a whole or by five Members acting together. Until the end of the year 2007 the Chairman and two Vice-Chairmen of the Executive Committee shall come from the founding or honorary members.

B6.3 Each candidate for the post of National Members of the AdvisoryCouncil shall be nominated by one Member in the country of residence other than the candidate and by at least one other Member. Procedures for conduct of elections of National Members shall be established by the Executive Committee.

B6.4 Nominations for any Officer must be received by the Secretary six weeks before ballot date and be circulated to all Members for a postal/E-mail ballot no later than ten days before the ballot date. Votes must be received by the Secretary no later than two working days after the ballot date.

A ballot is acceptable when at least 1/2 of the Advisory Committee members have voted.

B6.5 There shall be no limit to the number of years of continuous service each Advisory Council Member or Officer may serve unless otherwise agreed by the Advisory Council.

B7 Changes [Top]

B7.1 This Constitution and Rules have been adopted by the founding Members listed below and are offered in good faith to new members to accept on joining the Network.

B7.2 The Constitution and Rules of the Network may only be changed by a postal or E-mail ballot of all members, for which a simple majority of Members voting in favour of the change will suffice.

B8 Termination [Top]

B8.1 The Network may only be disbanded and its activities terminated by a postal or E-mail ballot of all members, for which a majority of two-thirds of all Members voting in favour of the change is required.

Part C: Executive Committee [Top]

We agree that the acting Executive Committee,which was elected in the inaugural meeting in Molyvos, Lesvos on September 1-4, 1997 shall be:

Prof. Themistocles D. Lekkas Chairman
Dr. Roger Venables Vice-Chairman
Prof. Dionysis AssimacopoulosVice-Chairman
Prof. Kimon HadjibirosVice-Chairman

and will stay in office until formal election is effected.The first election of Executive Committee shall be conducted within two years since the first meeting in Molyvos.